Cybervandal 'Edits' Orange County Register's Web Site
Content Integrity
10/10/2000; 9:56:39 AM

'Visitors to the Orange County Register's Web site were rewarded with an incredible scoop Sept. 29. Bill Gates, the geek who coded Microsoft (MSFT) from the ground up and became a multibillionaire in the process, had been arrested for hacking into "hundreds, maybe thousands" of computers, including those of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, Calif., and Stanford University....

'Before this results in a flurry of rumor-mongering e-mail forwards, let us point out that none of the above revelations are true. The Register's Web site, it turns out, had been attacked by a cybervandal, and three of its news stories were "edited." While other news organizations such as, the Associated Press, George magazine, the Drudge Report and the New York Times (NYT) have suffered Web defacements, the Register breach is the first known instance of a "subversion of information attack" at a media Web site.'