All's quiet on the UCITA front... but that's about to change
2/25/2001; 3:52:59 PM

'THE UNIFORM COMPUTER Information Transactions Act (UCITA) is the proposed state law that carries all manner of horrors for IT organizations, technical professionals, consumers, librarians, and so on (see for background information). Since being passed by Virginia and Maryland last year, UCITA has fortunately made little headway. But with most state legislative sessions now in full swing, things are starting to heat up again.

'I'm glad to report that UCITA opponents have managed to put the breathing spell to good use because we are far better organized. A new coalition called Americans for Fair Electronic Commerce Transactions (AFFECT) has been formed through the consolidation of previous efforts. By combining the energies and resources of the many interests groups that have recognized the dangers of UCITA, the coalition is better coordinated and has more professional help and funding to take on the Herculean task of educating legislators and the public about UCITA.'