Crippling withdrawal strikes me as my dealer stopped dealing Personal Notes4/9/2001; 5:18:45 PM I really, really missed iRights while it was down. Yikes! I think I spoke truer then I knew: "For many people, writing and sharing it with the world (even if the world doesn't beat a path to your site) is addictive on the first hit."As I was trying to figure out what to do about it a few days ago, I decided to check my e-mail, and lo and behold, there was an e-mail from garret offering me space on dangerousmeta for the duration of the outage! I didn't have to go there, as ETP came back up in time, but I seriously appreciated the offer, and wanted to publicly thank him. It seems the lack was felt by others as well.Fortunately, I had a recent backup of iRights, so I was never seriously worried about losing all this work. (Thanks for the "owning your own data" meme, and believing in it enough to act, Dave.) I've missed some stuff, so some old news may trickle in over the next few days as I find stuff. Thanks for reading.(BTW, I observe that not only is ETP working again, it is significantly speedier, back up there with