Here I Go!
4/18/2001; 11:50:54 AM Alright, massive redesign is in progress and may take a couple of hours. Wish me luck! When I'm done, a fully standards compliant site will be here (with minor exceptions on certain pages). Note that Netscape 4 viewers (and IE4 I believe) will see the site get substantially simpler looking. I recommend upgrading... except for bandwidth constraints, there is no good reason not to use the latest Mozilla build. (Note that I do not recommend Netscape 6... get Mozilla.) I'll update this when I'm done, and ask for complaints.

Update: Help! How do I create a calendar like View from the Heart on ETP? Or can I? (Actually, I want to do something different then that, but I need the same technique...)

Update The Second: Well, it's mostly done now... I've got some clean up to do but this is essentially it, for now. (May still shift some stuff around later, in particular I'm considering returning to a left-column navigation scheme... CSS still shows a slight bias in that direction.) Let me know if your alledgedly standards-compliant browser can't handle this (IE6+ Win/Mac, Opera, Mozilla/NS6+). I know what Netscape 4 or IE4 do to this page, no need to report it :-)

Update The Third And Last: Having had a little while to chew on this, I think this is a major step in the right direction, but it's not done yet. Hitting the home page hits the viewer with too much chaos and large blocks of undifferentiated (probably the wrong word) color. But it's definately progress.