The iRi downside

Changing my weblog's name to iRi has had one unanticipated downside: There are a lot of other IRIs out there, including but not limited to:

  • Information Resources, Inc.
  • International Republican Institute
  • International Research Institute for Climate Prediction
  • Industrial Research Institute
  • Initiative & Referendum Institute in Europe
  • Some punk's weblog, what the heck is this doing here... oh...
  • Some sort of climate data library
  • Some Japanese site
  • A ship registry
  • Several Italian sites
  • the International Reference Ionosphere: a mathematical model of the ionosphere

And the list goes on. I feel like a kid amoung adults.

Actually, it's just a downside for people searching on "iri" and getting my weblog. I don't feel too bad though; I'm just one more among many. Clearly, "iri" is not specific enough a search term to be valuable, though I never would have guessed in advance.