Communication Ethics book part for Dynamism. (This is an automatically generated summary to avoid having huge posts on this page. Click through to read this post.)

Once a static expression is created, it never changes. Yesterday's newspaper edition will be the same, even if you look at it a hundred years from now. A "web page" changes all the time. The homepage of changes extremely frequently. Yet appearances can be deceiving. What exactly is changing?

It is entirely possible that the index page of a dynamic site, such as a weather site that allows you to specify your location, will never appear the same way twice, not even to the same person. On a truly mundane level, there may at least be a clock on the page that always shows the time the page was accessed. Yet when you reload a page twice, separated by two minutes, and only the clock changes, in some very real sense we want to say that intuitively, the page hasn't changed. The message changes on a moment by moment basis in the most literal sense, but that's not how we think of it.

It is very hard to make a systematic, formalized definition that matches our intuition, though.