Communication Ethics book part for Comparing the models. (This is an automatically generated summary to avoid having huge posts on this page. Click through to read this post.)
Original Communication Model
New Communication Model

Compare the original model with my new model. To understand the difference, consider the rights and responsibilities each pictured participant has. In the traditional model, we have the following parts:

  • Author: The author is responsible for ensuring that the use of the expressions violates nobody's rights. The Author has rights to their creation, subject to the limitations of the new expression's derivation tree.
  • Expression: The expression is the message. It will never change. As an inanimate object, it has no rights.
  • Recipient: The recipient has the responsibility of using the expression in legal manners, as spelled out by the author. The recipient has certain rights such as the right to sell the expression to someone else.

It is not so much that the previous model is wrong, it is simply too simple to handle the current realities.